Is there an bin/upgrade command that will allow me to run the latest file from github?

Yep, I think so:

Those of you who want to give the beta version a try, can upgrade using: sudo bin/upgrade --channel beta (from /opt/redash/current).

I saw that post but it did nothing. My thinking is to just do a fresh install with the zip from the git.

it seems the uprade script changed the channel to “ci”. Can you try --channel ci?

script as seen here:

Yes … I actually saw that last night too… I tried it … it crapped out on the naming but I pieced together what it was trying to accomplish. ie the download/copy,pip installs,no migrations, and then restart. I was able to start it up and use it. It showed that it was indeed 4.0.0 and had the newer features.

Unfortunately - I shut down the cloud image last night, and now when I go to start it and use it today it comes back with 500 web errors.
Going to blow it away and try again …
Using the gce 3.0 image then working thru the --channel ci script again.

It starts with this :slight_smile:

 Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "bin/upgrade", line 239, in <module>
  File "bin/upgrade", line 216, in deploy_release
    if release.v1_or_newer():
  File "bin/upgrade", line 66, in v1_or_newer
    return, '1.0.0-alpha') >= 0
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/", line 54, in compare
    v1, v2 = parse(ver1), parse(ver2)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/", line 21, in parse
    raise ValueError('%s is not valid SemVer string' % version)
ValueError: tmp/circle-artifacts.G5O4zmC/4.0.0%2Bb3635 is not valid SemVer string

it seems to me SemVer string should be decoded to 4.0.0+b3635…

but I’m over my head here already…

Here are the steps I used on my install to get to the latest version.

# On ubuntu 16.04.3 - starting with the GCP 2.0 image or after doing bin/upgrade to get to 3.0 
sudo su

#release = get_release(channel)
cd /tmp

# Read the artifacts file that is downloaded..
cat artifacts

# grab the "url" for this next step, change b3635 to whatever is the latest artifact.
# note the name changed/cleaned up at the end of the next command...
wget -O /tmp/redash.4.0.0.b3635.tar.gz
mkdir /opt/redash/redash.4.0.0.b3635
chown redash:nogroup /opt/redash/redash.4.0.0.b3635

tar -C /opt/redash/redash.4.0.0.b3635 -xvf /tmp/redash.4.0.0.b3635.tar.gz
cp /opt/redash/current/.env /opt/redash/redash.4.0.0.b3635

chown -R redash:nogroup /opt/redash/redash.4.0.0.b3635/

#        update_requirements(release.version_name)
sudo pip install -r /opt/redash/redash.4.0.0.b3635/requirements.txt

#possibly optional
sudo pip install -r /opt/redash/redash.4.0.0.b3635/requirements_dev.txt

#        apply_migrations(release)
# nothing here after ver 1?

#        link_to_current(release.version_name)
ln -nfs /opt/redash/redash.4.0.0.b3635 /opt/redash/current
# restart services
service supervisor restart
# exit sudo

I also need to know//

I updated the bin/upgrade script to support the new names CircleCI gives to artifacts:

So you should be able to use bin/upgrade --channel ci now (note that you need to get the updated version of the script first).

Please let me know if you’re still having issues with this script.