I have a query which gives the result in single column

“collection”: “Orders”,
“aggregate”: [
“$project”: {
XYZ : 1,
“source.platform” :1

        "$lookup": {
            "from": "users",
            "localField": "XYZ",
            "foreignField": "_id",
            "as": "salesRepInfo"
        "$project": {
            "_id": 0,
            "SalesRep Name": "$salesRepInfo.name",
            "sourceplatform" : "$payments.source.platform"
            "$match": {
"$group": {
	"_id":{"SalesRep Name":"$SalesRep Name"}


I want to use the result of this query in another query as query based dropdown list inside $match operator. first query gives more than 100 outputs, i want to select all in the second query. How can I do that?

@jesse it would be great if you can please help?