I was testing out the new redash version. One thing I struggled initially with celery redash was concurrency which after some reading I was able to increase by having multiple workers and each worker having concurrency=4.
I am not that familiar with rabbitmq and would like to know how to increase concurrency. eg - I want 24 people to run their queries at the same time. Do I just need to increase the workers or is there another setting I have to use? Also for celery I had launch multiple worker docker containers. Is the process same for RQ or can I just launch one container with multiple workers?
It would also help if it could be added as documentation in the docs or in the release notes.
Could you please explain how you ramped up your workers and concurrency in v8 to 4. I am struggling with that bit.
For example here is my code for scheduled_worker,
If i wanted to increase the worker count to 4 and concurrency to 4 in below code. Do i just increase my WORKERS_COUNT=4. what flag would i need to add for the concurrency part ?