Hey hey everyone, hope you are all doing well.
I posted a while ago in Features Request about an integration I would like to see making its way within the full version of Redash while I was still getting used to use the tool.
Coming from Google data Studio/Google Sheets, I found that I could hack my way around the software by connecting the tools I use to Google Sheets and integrating GS then into Redash. It’s all fun and game but being part of the Sales Enablement/Marketing industry, I feel like Redash could offer way more integrations that have the potential of converting a gigantic community into the polished and professional-looking tool that Redash is.
Simple integrations like Google Adwords, Facebook Ads, Google Search Console, Google Calendar would I think make Redash not only a dashboard solution for engineers and data analysts but also for Technical Marketers which is in dire need of a solution like Redash.
So therefore, I looked around for some kind of roadmap and/or integrations suggestions but I could not find anything. Is there such a document/page laying around that one could refer to in order to see if Redash is heading towards a path where it will become more and more interesting for them or is the community blind as to what is coming up next? I for one would love to go into production mode for my Dashboards if I were to know for instance that more of a tools I use (Asana, Google Calendar, Google Search Console to name a few) may end up in a stable version of Redash in the next 12 months.
Thank you for your time,
PS: I was unsure in which category to post this topic so I’d be fine to repost it in another section of the forum if you think it’s a better idea.