I have 2 simple queries that I’m looking to combine for a proof point.

I setup a data source of “Query Results” and am running my new query on this source.

I have one query for salesforce:
SELECT Id, Affiliate_Id__c, Owner.FirstName, Owner.LastName FROM Account

The other query in postgres is just:
SELECT affiliate_first_sale_date, affiliate_id, affiliate_status FROM affiliates_sale_dates

My query results query is simply:
select a.Owner.FirstName, a.Id, b.affiliate_first_sale_date from query_69653 a join query_69618 b

When running this I’m getting an error:
Error running query: no such column: a.Owner.FirstName

This value definitely exists, but I’m thinking maybe having the . relation is causing issues. I’ve tried to escape with `, but no luck. Anyone have any experience with this?

We should document this, but . and : are being replaced with _.

Can you try the following query:

select a.Owner_FirstName, a.Id, b.affiliate_first_sale_date 
from query_69653 a 
join query_69618 b