We’re trying to use the Redash API to poll for fresh query results using 3 different parameters. We’re following this code example: https://github.com/getredash/redash-toolbelt/blob/master/redash_toolbelt/examples/refresh_query.py

And we keep getting this error:

'_content_consumed': True,
'_next': None,
'status_code': 400,
'headers': {'Server': 'nginx', 'Date': 'Mon, 11 May 2020 00:13:36 GMT', 'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'Content-Length': '92', 'Connection': 'keep-alive', 'X-Frame-Options': 'deny', 'X-XSS-Protection': '1; mode=block', 'X-Content-Type-Options': 'nosniff', 'X-Download-Options': 'noopen', 'Content-Security-Policy': "; script-src 'self' 'unsafe-eval'; style-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline'; frame-ancestors 'none'; default-src 'self'; frame-src [redash.io](http://redash.io/); img-src 'self' http: https: data:; object-src 'none'; font-src 'self' data:", 'X-Content-Security-Policy': "; script-src 'self' 'unsafe-eval'; style-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline'; frame-ancestors 'none'; default-src 'self'; frame-src [redash.io](http://redash.io/); img-src 'self' http: https: data:; object-src 'none'; font-src 'self' data:", 'Referrer-Policy': 'strict-origin-when-cross-origin'},
'raw': <urllib3.response.HTTPResponse at 0x10f1aff10>,
'url': 'https://redash.brilliant.org/api/queries/query_id/refresh?first_name=firstname&last_name=lastname&email=useremail@email.com',
'encoding': None,
'history': [],
'reason': 'BAD REQUEST',
'cookies': <RequestsCookieJar[]>,
'elapsed': datetime.timedelta(microseconds=43568),
'request': <PreparedRequest [POST]>,
'connection': <requests.adapters.HTTPAdapter at 0x11062b410>}

However, the URL does contain the parameters (https://redash.brilliant.org/api/queries/query_id/refresh?first_name=firstname&last_name=lastname&email=useremail@email.com), so we aren’t sure what to do next. We tried passing the parameters in the URL of the POST request, but that isn’t working either.

Any help would be much appreciated!

Sorry this is confusing. refresh_query.py needs to be updated per this issue because the /refresh endpoint will eventually be deprecated.

Check out our API docs for more info.

For now you have two options:

  1. Update your parameters to include a p_ prefix. So last_name will become p_last_name.
  2. Use the /results endpoint instead and include your parameters in the JSON POST body as demonstrated in our doc pages.

Here’s an example CURL that you can paste into a REST API explorer or run from your command line. Just replace the values with your correct API key and query ID:

curl --request POST \
  --url https://redash.brilliant.org/api/queries/<query_id>/results \
  --header 'authorization: Key <your api key>' \
  --data '{
	"parameters": {
		"first_name": "",
		"last_name": "",
		"email": ""

Hope that helps.

Option 1: Update your parameters to include a p_prefix. So last_name will become p_last_name.
When we tried this, we received a successful 200 response back from the refresh endpoint, but the response content is HTML, so we’re not able to get the job id via response.json()['job']. Adding 'Content-Type': 'application/json' to the headers did not help.
Here’s the response:

{'_content': b'<!DOCTYPE html>\n<html ng-app="app" ng-strict-di>\n  <head lang="en">\n    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">\n    <meta charset="UTF-8">\n    <base href="/">\n    <title>Redash</title>\n    <script src="/static/unsupportedRedirect.js" async></script>\n\n    <link rel="icon" type="image/png" sizes="32x32" href="/static/images/favicon-32x32.png">\n    <link rel="icon" type="image/png" sizes="96x96" href="/static/images/favicon-96x96.png">\n    <link rel="icon" type="image/png" sizes="16x16" href="/static/images/favicon-16x16.png">\n  <link href="/static/vendors~app.22941359f2e6f98e80a1.css" rel="stylesheet"><link href="/static/app.88ac1b6c8e87b2093dc8.css" rel="stylesheet"></head>\n\n  <body ng-class="bodyClass">\n    <section>\n      <app-view></app-view>\n      <div class="loading-indicator">\n        <div id="css-logo">\n          <div id="circle">\n            <div></div>\n          </div>\n          <div id="point">\n            <div></div>\n          </div>\n          <div id="bars">\n            <div class="bar"></div>\n            <div class="bar"></div>\n            <div class="bar"></div>\n            <div class="bar"></div>\n          </div>\n        </div>\n        <div id="shadow"></div>\n      </div>\n    </section>\n  <script type="text/javascript" src="/static/vendors~app.22941359f2e6f98e80a1.js"></script><script type="text/javascript" src="/static/app.88ac1b6c8e87b2093dc8.js"></script></body>\n</html>\n',
 '_content_consumed': True,
 '_next': None,
 'status_code': 200,
 'headers': {'Server': 'nginx', 'Date': 'Sat, 16 May 2020 00:52:38 GMT', 'Content-Type': 'text/html; charset=utf-8', 'Transfer-Encoding': 'chunked', 'Connection': 'keep-alive', 'Vary': 'Accept-Encoding', 'Last-Modified': 'Sun, 27 Oct 2019 14:30:14 GMT', 'Cache-Control': 'public, max-age=0', 'Expires': 'Sat, 16 May 2020 00:52:38 GMT', 'ETag': 'W/"1572186614.0-1441-2955612552"', 'X-Frame-Options': 'deny', 'X-XSS-Protection': '1; mode=block', 'X-Content-Type-Options': 'nosniff', 'X-Download-Options': 'noopen', 'Content-Security-Policy': "; script-src 'self' 'unsafe-eval'; style-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline'; frame-ancestors 'none'; default-src 'self'; frame-src redash.io; img-src 'self' http: https: data:; object-src 'none'; font-src 'self' data:", 'X-Content-Security-Policy': "; script-src 'self' 'unsafe-eval'; style-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline'; frame-ancestors 'none'; default-src 'self'; frame-src redash.io; img-src 'self' http: https: data:; object-src 'none'; font-src 'self' data:", 'Referrer-Policy': 'strict-origin-when-cross-origin', 'Strict-Transport-Security': 'max-age=31536000', 'Content-Encoding': 'gzip'},
 'raw': <urllib3.response.HTTPResponse at 0x119cd58d0>,
 'url': 'https://redash.brilliant.org/api/queries/8086/refresh?p_first_name=UserFirstName&p_last_name=UserLastName&p_email=UserEmail',
 'encoding': 'utf-8',
 'history': [],
 'reason': 'OK',
 'cookies': <RequestsCookieJar[]>,
 'elapsed': datetime.timedelta(microseconds=61661),
 'request': <PreparedRequest [GET]>,
 'connection': <requests.adapters.HTTPAdapter at 0x119b55e90>}

Option 2: Use the /results endpoint instead and include your parameters in the JSON POST body as demonstrated in our doc pages.
When we tried this, we received the Missing parameter value for: first_name, last_name, email error again.

    s = requests.Session() 
     'Authorization': 'Key {}'.format(api_key), 
     'content-type': 'application/json'} 
    params = {
        'first_name': 'User first name',
        'last_name': 'User last name',
        'email': 'useremail@mail.com',
    data = {'parameters': params} 
    response = s.post('{}/api/queries/{}/result'.format(redash_url, query_id), data=data)


{'_content': b'{"job": {"status": 4, "error": "Missing parameter value for: first_name, last_name, email"}}',
 '_content_consumed': True,
 '_next': None,
 'status_code': 400,
 'headers': {'Server': 'nginx', 'Date': 'Sat, 16 May 2020 00:40:36 GMT', 'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'Content-Length': '92', 'Connection': 'keep-alive', 'X-Frame-Options': 'deny', 'X-XSS-Protection': '1; mode=block', 'X-Content-Type-Options': 'nosniff', 'X-Download-Options': 'noopen', 'Content-Security-Policy': "; script-src 'self' 'unsafe-eval'; style-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline'; frame-ancestors 'none'; default-src 'self'; frame-src redash.io; img-src 'self' http: https: data:; object-src 'none'; font-src 'self' data:", 'X-Content-Security-Policy': "; script-src 'self' 'unsafe-eval'; style-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline'; frame-ancestors 'none'; default-src 'self'; frame-src redash.io; img-src 'self' http: https: data:; object-src 'none'; font-src 'self' data:", 'Referrer-Policy': 'strict-origin-when-cross-origin'},
 'raw': <urllib3.response.HTTPResponse at 0x119bd1290>,
 'url': 'https://redash.brilliant.org/api/queries/8086/results',
 'encoding': None,
 'history': [],
 'reason': 'BAD REQUEST',
 'cookies': <RequestsCookieJar[]>,
 'elapsed': datetime.timedelta(microseconds=347032),
 'request': <PreparedRequest [POST]>,
 'connection': <requests.adapters.HTTPAdapter at 0x119bf0910>}

Also, suspiciously, the URL in the response does not contain any query params. So, we tried all possible combinations of using the params argument and/or the data argument containing a parameters dictionary, with and without appending p_ to the keys in each place. All of these generated the Missing parameter value for: first_name, last_name, email error.
Finally, we tried the curl snippet you suggested,

curl --request POST \
  --url https://redash.brilliant.org/api/queries/8086/results \
  --header 'authorization: Key <API KEY HERE>' \
  --data '{
    "parameters": {
            "first_name": "User first name here",
            "last_name": "User last name here",
            "email": "User email here",

and the output was

{"job": {"status": 4, "error": "Missing parameter value for: first_name, last_name, email"}}

How did you set up your Redash instance?