I want to monitor the number of IN PROGRESS and WAITING tasks using status.json.

Is this possible? If so, what value should I look at?

By the way, I estimate outdated_queries_count is the sum of IN PROGRESS and WAITING.
Is this right?

I want to monitor the number of IN PROGRESS and WAITING tasks using status.json.

You can’t monitor it with the status.json endpoint, but you can use the same API the UI uses to fetch this data (just check the network tab of the browser console). Note that these lists are not 100% reliable :-\ I’m looking into alternatives for future versions.

By the way, I estimate outdated_queries_count is the sum of IN PROGRESS and WAITING.

Almost – it also includes queries that have an error and can’t be refreshed.

Thank you for answering the question. I understand.

In that case, is it necessary to restart redis for refreshing the errored query (= outdated_queries_count set to 0)?
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