Can someone please provide information on whether redash supports Microsoft SQL Server data setup.
DataSource: Microsoft SQL Server
TDS Version: Left Blank
Character Set : Left Blank
Database name: qa_gpom_db (this is the database data resides)
Server: WNSQL024Q01 (DB Server where qa_gpom_db resides)
Username: TD_Reporting (Login username used to access SQL Server Management Studio or any other data extraction tools)
Password: *******
Port: 1433
Saved and when clicked on Test Connection .
Error: Connection Test Failed 0
You should add a port-forwarding rule to your Docker script. Without one, when Redash connects to localhost:5000 it’s pointing back into the Docker container which isn’t running a server The port-forwarding rule should pass traffic from your Docker container back to your host computer.
Thank you very much for the information. Could you please help where i should put this details in the docker-compose.yml file and do i need to run any command in docker (command prompt).