I love simplicity of redash but I am missing a feature which would allow me to work with SQL queries like in jupyter or zeppelin notebooks. Write a SQL query, see the result either as a table or a graph, write a description and then repeat the steps but store all of them on a same page. Basically it would tell a story in complex analysis using SQL queries with simplicity of redash.
I imagine it could be just a list of redash queries on one page.

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It can definitely be a nice feature, but until we have that – why not use a dashboard for the same purpose?

Yes , I thought about it. Dashboard works well when one wants to present final result of a analysis.

But, by the time I get to the final version, I usually run many SQL queries. When working in IDE, I end up with a sql file with many sql queries in it. However I lack a way to store results of the queries. Many time I want to look back at result of previous query but now I have to execute the query again what leads to disorientation :slight_smile: I think that is exactly what jupyter notebooks solved, but jupyter is much more complicated than redash and not intended for data querying and simple automatic visualization.
Maybe it doesn’t fit to redash strategy, but I haven’t found a tool capable of it and I thought that it wouldn’t cost a lot to implement it.