One screen with all the 3 configurations feels quite cramped and confusing.
Need room for actual visualization.
Need room for explanations / reference to help docs.
I’m thinking of removing the “Review Parameters” as a stand-alone step, and instead having an “edit params” button appear in the query selection step when relevant. @arikfr wdyt?
I wanted to get rid of the selectbox for a long time… I was thinking of cards UI, but seems like you found a better solution
I think the preview placeholder you have there should show the widget itself and not just the visualization. Then when we add extra options like “hide description”/“hide title”/“change title”, it can all be previewed here. Wdyt?
I assume that 90% of the time people will go with default (use dashboard parameter), so I see why it makes sense. Just need to make sure it’s not too hidden and clear.