Related to Hide widget level filters when dashboard level filters are ON, it would be really cool to hide the widget-level filters when there is one on the dashboard level.
Otherwise the UI becomes very messy especially when you have a lot of numbers, or you have to extend the dashboard a lot.
In my case it prevents me from having a very actionable dashboard (that you can look at and understand in a glimpse) that is shared across a team for instance.

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If you control your Redash installation, it’s possible to edit the CSS file and inject a new rule to do it. I’ve done it on Redash 7 once here but after that I’ve upgraded, lost the fix and gave up this hack.

Redash 7 (Bitnami) - edit the file /opt/bitnami/apps/redash/htdocs/client/dist/app.ac861d2893a6de72584c.css

and insert the following line

div:first-child+div+div>div>div>div>dashboard-widget>div>div>div>visualization-renderer>filters {display:none !important;}