Hi ,

We are using the Redash v7 version and in requirements_ds.txt we have pyhive dependency included which is required for Presto connector. We have deployed the redash on ECS and Fargate using the redash source code from https://github.com/getredash/redash/blob/master .

We are not able to see presto datasource enabled on datasource page ,Could you let us know if we need any other package to be included or any other steps which needs to be followed to enable Presto datasource.

I don’t have much to add. But have you tried restarting the services after you ran pip install requirements_all_ds.txt?

Need quick clarification :Dockerfile already have pip install requirements_all_ds.txt command right ?
COPY requirements.txt requirements_dev.txt requirements_all_ds.txt ./
RUN pip install -r requirements.txt -r requirements_dev.txt
RUN if [ “x$skip_ds_deps” = “x” ] ; then pip install -r requirements_all_ds.txt ; else echo “Skipping pip install -r requirements_all_ds.txt” ; fi

why we need to do pip install requirements_all_ds.txt again manually , could you please clarify.

Also I am able to see very limited data source on the data source list.

This is solved , we were missing right package dependency on Pyhive package for Presto datasource

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