Hi All,

I have a problem in my Dashboard (redash version 3.0.0, data source HIVE) where I have added a Pivot table based on the results of a query that has 2 single filters. One is a simple category, the other is a month formatted date variable.

In the result set I always have the last 12 months. For the most categories, all months have at least some values, but recently I have added another category, which only has values from the last 2-3 months. As a default setting, the first category (alphabetically ordered) and the first month is selected. In the Pivot, I have some aggregate values, which are grouped by some other variables within the categories that I use.

So what is really my problem here: when I select this newly added category, which does NOT have any values in the month which is selected as a default, the table gets ‘broken’ and shows zero, which is logical. However, if I then select a valid month, which contains actual values, the table does not revert back to it’s original state with the ‘subcategories’, and shows only a total sum value. If I select another category, for which the Pivot has functioned correctly before the structure stays the same and I only get the total sum as a result.

I have found out that if I refresh the page, set the Month category to a valid one and only then select the new category which has caused the problems before, the table is shown correctly with not only the total sum value, but with all aggregates that I have originally wanted to see. Ideally, it should not matter in which order I change the filters, the table should stay the same.

Hope I was able to explain my problem clearly.

Any feedback or help is appreciated.
