September 11, 2020, 10:56pm
Is anyone else having problems with some queries that use group by, or date_trunc functions not working on redash?
When I run the query in redash it just spins and goes on forever never rendering a result. The same query in the underlying db works just fine.
Good morning @greco ,
I never had any problem with PostgreSQL queries using date_part or other functions…
Do you get any error message or does it only never end ?
September 23, 2020, 12:58pm
How much data do these queries return when you run them elsewhere? If it’s too big you could be past Redash’s limit.
September 29, 2020, 3:02pm
They only have a couple hundred rows. These are not big tables. I also have an issue where results render fine, and then if I add a ORDER BY statement, the sit in query in queue endlessly.
October 2, 2020, 1:31am
Weird. I use Redash with postgres and don’t see this. Do your queries work when you use other tools beside Redash? Any issues in your logs?