Hi guys,

I have a few questions regarding QBDL:

  1. I use QBDL {{ Parameter }} which uses query select a as Value, b as Name as a source.
    Is it possible to refer not only to Value, but to Name in my main query? Something like:
select col1 as {{ Parameter.Name }}
from table
where col1 = {{ Parameter }}
  1. Is it possible in a query for QBDL put something else, except Value and Name, and use it? Something like: “select a as Value, b as Name, c as Value2” and then in the main query:
select col1 as {{ Parameter.Name }}
from table
where col1 = {{ Parameter }} or col2 = {{ Parameter.Value2 }}

I am interested in that because I use QBDL for my table visualization a lot, it allows me to generate my table dynamically based on the user’s choice:

select {{ Output }}, sum(Amount)
from table
group by {{ Output }}

where {{ Output }} can be

select UserID as Value, User as Name
union all
select WHID, Warehose
union all
select Location, City


But sometimes I need to modify values (f.e. add conditions) and then this structure doesn’t work properly.

Thank you in advance!

Wow this seems like a cool idea. Redash doesn’t support either of those use-cases.

I see, thanks a lot!