Issue Summary

When querying Jira, adding a project name filter, the query fails to return.
“fields”: “key,summary, assignee, reporter, status, created”,
“jql”: “project = AHD ORDER BY created DESC”

This fails with Value does not exist for project. Where this works.

“fields”: “key,summary, assignee, reporter, status, created”,
“jql”: “ORDER BY created DESC”

Technical details:

  • Redash Version: v. 8.0.0
  • Browser/OS: Firefox / MacOS
  • How did you install Redash: Local install v. 8.0.0

I was able to query by project , this is my example

“fields”: “issuetype,timespent,status”,
“jql”: “project=SDR AND issuetype = ‘Development Task’”

Check the space you have between = and the project name

What I couldnt get is the asignee column, using 9.0 version, did this work for you?

Thanks @jvasquez!
Unfortunately it still doesn’t work on my end.

I used the jira api to pull a list of all of our projects and tried the projectID, Key and Name for the project value. All ended up with the following message.

Error running query: Failed to execute query. Return Code: 400 Reason: {“errorMessages”:[“The value ‘Ascend Help Desk’ does not exist for the field ‘project’.”],“warningMessages”:[]}

“fields”: “issuetype,timespent,status”,
“jql”: “project=AHD”

Same here. It seems to have something to do with authentication against the Jira API.