Replacing $http is easy and we can use any fetch wrapper (Axis? request?). But I wonder if we should find a replacement for $resource or have something of our own based on what we replace $http with?
Quick thoughts (considering a quick move): Axios seems a straightforward alternative to $http as the commands should remain the same. Regarding $resource we already have some services that work without it (widget is actually the only one where $resource could make sense and it doesn’t have it). It doesn’t seem like we need it, but if turns out to be a pain to be repeating code, it shouldn’t be hard to abstract the idea as a superclass or a wrapper.
I’m looking through alternatives to see if there advantages on making this differently.
Let’s roll with axios and replace $resource with plain axios usage. If we find ourselves repeating stuff, we can introduce our own abstraction along the lines of $resource.
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