Hi Team,

We are looking forward to upgrade to Redash ‘v1.0.0-rc.2’ - but it seems to be a release candidate as of now.

Do we know when can we expect this to be a final release.

Hussain Bohra


I’m hoping to have a final build this week. The more people use the RC versions and report issues (or contribute fixes), the sooner we will get to a stable release.

Here is a summary of current v1 issues I’m aware of:

Thanks Arik for the quick response.

~Hussain Bohra

Hey Arik, any update on the 1.0 release timing?

I’m evaluating the current state of master and the next release this week will either be another RC or the final one.

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Thanks for the update.
We have upgraded re:dash to a release candidate in dev and it is working great so far.

Also - I have a query on re:dash schema browser - can you please let us know how often it refresh itself? Is there a way to configure same.

Hussain Bohra

It refreshes every 30 minutes & next release will have a refresh button.

Thank @arikfr.
Excited to use refresh button on a schema browser.