Our preview login page is one developers visit frequently and are required to re-login to each PR instance. It’s quite easy as the credentials of preset users are copy-pasteable. This is the current design:

Still the UX could be even simpler and design finer with one-click signin, similar to the Mac OS login screen:


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Here’s my proposal:

  • Preset users are clickable (background color on hover).
  • Backend version exposed.
  • “create account” actually just opens a tooltip with instructions:

I actually want to encourage people to create their own users and use them, as this will uncover more cases and issues than everyone using a set of two users.

But… even myself I use one of these users :sweat_smile: So I guess it’s unrealistic to expect others to use their own users until we have a solution for easy login across deployments. So let’s go with this option.

Source code: https://github.com/getredash/deploy-preview-login-proxy


Implemented in https://github.com/getredash/deploy-preview-login-proxy/pull/1

I’ve just been using Melissa. But it’s been difficult to remember which queries are “mine”, because we all name our queries “New Query” or something similar during testing. I’ll use my own account from now on.