am using redash Version: 8.0.0-beta+b27489 (b426e4fd)
how it’s view that only one running task and in waiting tasks are 6
i don’t know how it’s working
but i think that’s weird

A few things are true:

  • You have one active worker
  • A worker can run more than one query at-a-time
  • Not all tasks are queries
  • The queries tab only shows query execution tasks


  • The waiting tasks are not query executions
  • Your worker concurrency is set to 1 so that you can’t run more than one query per worker at once.

Hey, sorry to bump this - but I’m stuck on this very same problem, a lot of the queries are getting in queue. Pulling up the admin view, we get a lot of jobs in queue:

How do we fix this? We were having trouble making sense of this, and what are the right next steps to resolve this issue. Any help and/or documentation on this would be very helpful!