Just trying out this: “https://redash.io/slack

myredashhost -> https://myredashhost.com (Just using this url due to new user limit)

I’m able to access and explore data at myredashhost. And able to send alert to a slack channel also.
After adding Redash app to slack.
Following these steps -

1 . What is your Redash address? (for example URL1 or URL2)
Entered - myredashhost
2. What is your API Key? (you can find it here: myredashhost/users/me#apiKey)
(It’s takes me to page to apikey, copied and pasted here )
After pasting apikey i receive -

Failed validating credentials please make sure you used the correct API key & your Redash instance is accessible.
If you want to start again just tell me “start setup”.

What I’m missing here, how can i debug it?Any Help.

You should make sure that:

  1. Your Redash instance is publicly accessible from the Internet.
  2. Your SSL certificate (if there is one) is updated and valid.

Same error as amrit.

The redash instance is publicly accessible from internet and just updated the certificate.

Wondering if it is a permission or scope error (due to API key), but shouldnt be since I’m admin of slack as well as part of admin group in redash.

Is there any log that we could check for troubleshooting?

Thanks in advance!