Issue Summary

We’re facing mysterious and intermittent performance issues in self hosted redash with docker on EC2 ubuntu. It’s a curious problem cause when some users relate eternal load screen behavior, others can use redash normally. I was navigating around related issues and i can see issues with kubernets and AWS load balancers (Redash 8 slow performance on kubernetes cluster - Problem with slow UI and worker timeouts). Is AWS load balancer a good approach to use with Redash?

PS.: We’re using docker image without nginx on docker-compose, so we are serving directly on port :5000 to aws load balancer;

PS2.: Any performance tip will be welcome.

Related issues:

Technical details:

  • Redash Version: 8.0.0.b32245
  • Browser/OS: Chrome, Firefox or Safari / Windows or MacOS
  • How did you install Redash: Default docker image on EC2 Ubuntu with NGINX disabled and AWS Load Balancer serving https://
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