Give viewers of dashboards and iframe queries a button to trigger refreshing the report (ie re-executing the query). For security, the frequency would need to be limited. This would require an extra setting on each query for “maximum manual refresh frequency”.

Viewers of our published reports typically only look at results a few times a day but we’d still like to show them up-to-the-minute results for certain reports. We would generally like to set the “automatic refresh frequency” to “never” and rely on viewers to refresh the results on-demand, with “maximum manual refresh frequency” of “every 5 minutes” or something like that (case by case, depending on the value of up-to-the-minute reporting to viewers of the report).

We can currently set a query to execute every 5 minutes, 24/7, but that seems pretty silly when the results may only be viewed a few times a day. We’d rather let the viewer refresh the data if/when they like.