I’m using the current SaaS version of Redash. This is what the table visualization editor looks like.

The left-to-right interface for re-ordering columns becomes really clunky if there are many columns to display. Would it be possible to use a top-to-bottom “row style” interface instead? Like reordering items in Todoist or Wunderlist? The current interface is very cumbersome if I need to move a column twenty positions in either direction

Several additional options:

  1. Move the configuration table to be on top/below the actual table, so it has more horizontal space.
  2. Allow changing order by dragging columns on the table.
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This is probably the intuitive solution. But it would still be clunky to move a column twenty spaces in either direction that way. Just my $0.02.

Just to make sure I understatnd, your position is that moving vertically is easier than horizontally?

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Correct. Because rows in a table have a small fixed height whereas columns in a table have a much greater fixed width.

I agree with @jesse - sorting horizontally feels more natural (think about changing your playlist, for example)