I am trying to access information (“name”) in an array with the path
key (see https://redash.io/help/data-sources/setup/json)
When using a parameter: path: name for the following JSON response, redash issues an error “Error running query: Couldn’t find path name in response.”
What would be the correct notation for the “inner” path?
"category": "Exporte",
"sortProductsBy": "name",
"name": "ARGE Export",
"created": "2016-11-14T09:45:08",
"sortNodesBy": "name",
"modified": "2016-12-18T18:46:31",
"sortNodesById": null,
"rootNode": {…}, // 8 items
"mappingRules": "DefMapPrjview3604454385775",
"sortProductsById": null,
"id": "@IMID:View:view3604454385775",
"identType": "view"
Any help is appreciated…redash version is 8.0.0+b32245 (a16f551e)