I am trying to access information (“name”) in an array with the path key (see https://redash.io/help/data-sources/setup/json)

When using a parameter: path: name for the following JSON response, redash issues an error “Error running query: Couldn’t find path name in response.

What would be the correct notation for the “inner” path?

"category": "Exporte",
"sortProductsBy": "name",
"name": "ARGE Export",
"created": "2016-11-14T09:45:08",
"sortNodesBy": "name",
"modified": "2016-12-18T18:46:31",
"sortNodesById": null,
"rootNode": {…}, // 8 items
"mappingRules": "DefMapPrjview3604454385775",
"sortProductsById": null,
"id": "@IMID:View:view3604454385775",
"identType": "view"

Any help is appreciated…redash version is 8.0.0+b32245 (a16f551e)

Hi @lasei and welcome to the forum. The path keyword unpacks an array of objects into your result set. If you only want to return the name field then your query can include:

fields: [name]

But keep in mind this will return only the name field. This is a limitation we’d like to address in the future.