Sprint field (Jira) do not looks like “2021/02/16 - 2021/02/23”

Issue have Sprint “2021/02/16 - 2021/02/23” (screenshot 2)

But field Sprint in Redash looks like (screenshot 1):

com.atlassian.greenhopper.service.sprint.Sprint@3f834a51[id=1326,rapidViewId=706,state=CLOSED,name=2021/02/16 - 2021/02/23,startDate=2021-02-16T17:19:00.000+03:00,endDate=2021-02-23T17:19:00.000+03:00,completeDate=2021-02-24T16:03:40.303+03:00,activatedDate=2021-02-16T17:19:39.314+03:00,sequence=1326,goal=тест,autoStartStop=false]

Why doesn’t the sprint name look like 2021/02/16 - 2021/02/23?
How i can to fix it?
Thank you!

Redash Version: 8.0.0+b32245 (a16f551e)

Windows 10

Google Chrome Version 89.0.4389.82 (Official Build) (64-bit)

Self Hosted Open Source Redash

Can you share the query that generates the output in screenshot 2?


“jql”: “assignee = ‘{{ user }}’ AND status != Closed AND issuetype != Epic ORDER BY status DESC, priority, created ASC”