Issue Summary
Initially using the Bitnami image of Redash and based on the advice here:
moved to setting up a non-Bitnami image following instructions here:
Although the instance comes up, as per Instance logs, I am unable to ssh nor connect to it via Web-browser to continue the Setup steps.
Web-browser give “504 Gateway Time-out” and ssh to the Instance hangs.
Using RedashSecurityGroup network rules from the initial Bitnami instance. Ports 80, 22, and 443 are open for inbound, all ports open for outbound.
Technical details:
- Redash Version: 8.0.0
- Browser/OS: Firefox / Safari
- How did you install Redash: AWS redash-8.0.0-b32245-1-eu-central-1 (ami-0f8184e6f30cc0c33)
- Instance Log Screenshot: