Issue Summary

As of today, when signing in via Google to our self-hosted setup, it is throwing the following error
Redash Login Error

Is anyone else facing the same or knows how to fix this?

Technical details:

  • Redash Version:8.0.0+b32245
  • Browser/OS: Chrome

Does this reproduce in V10?

Haven’t upgraded because we are unsure what else will break.

We won’t push updates for V8 any more. But if you can provide any sort of debugging information from Google we can check to see if V10 (or V11) will work.

Also happened to my user,
it happened after my computer was restarted,
and now i can’t login using the Google authentication,
is there a fix for that?

Sorry to be a pest here. But we really can’t help on this at all unless someone provides actual logs of the problem. “It doesn’t work” isn’t detailed enough for us to investigate.

Trying to get them Jesse :slight_smile: