I want Use dashboard-level filters,but it’s no show,I want why?
How to use dashboard level filters?

In theory (!) the dashboard level filters will appear after the Query Filters have been created. :smile:

So, 1st step, create Query Filters:


Then create the Dashboard Level Filters:


If that’s not working… it might be bug. :face_with_head_bandage:

On a related topic, there are Query Parameters too:


They’re similar to Query Filters, but are applied at a different stage in the process so suit different cases to the Query Filters. :smile:

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Any word on this? This one is super important.

Hi @dribble,

Dashboard level filters have been supported for several versions now. When you enter dashboard edit mode there is a checkbox on the upper-left that lets you “enable dashboard level filters”. So long as your filters have the same string literal name then they will be linked together. It’s not as flexible or convenient as query parameters (and isn’t meant to be). But it’s there nonetheless :grinning:

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