I changed user permissions in database by:

update public.groups SET permissions ='{view_query,execute_query,schedule_query,list_dashboards,list_alerts,list_data_sources}' WHERE id > 1

Now I want to set startup page after login to dashboards page. Now users see page with 'Recent Dashboards and Recent Queries"

Is it possible to set deafult homepage for group of users?
Is it possible to block query list? ( users have to view query ofc)

How can I disable in menu
‘Show API Key’
‘Share option’

I had to edit admin group too:

update public.groups SET permissions =’{admin,super_admin,create_dashboard,create_query,edit_dashboard,edit_query,view_query,execute_query,list_users,schedule_query,list_dashboards,list_alerts,list_data_sources}’ WHERE id =1

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