
we are evaluating a new analytics and dashboarding platform for our product: an e-commerce and e-procurement platform served to customers’ end users via browser.

The platform homepage is essentially right now a dashboard with main analytics and KPI requested by customers but we show also simple tables with news and informations. Now, this dashboard is built with a proprietary code, a widget system where only us (IT) can build new widgets or create dashboards.
These widgets, when loaded, execute a stored procedure on SQL server that build the data to show using filters preconfigured at application level to ensure current user can view only the data have to view, they are like “master filter” at dashboard level that users cannot modify.
This filters are saved on our database as parts of a SQL WHERE clause (this could be different on Redash i think)
Some widgets permit to be filtered accordingly to master filters and some could have a drill-down: a direct link to others internal pages like product sheet, orders list pre filtered, …

The dashboard is shown inside our portal having a unique UI (styles, colors), some customer could ask to have custom stylesheets or labels on widgets title or field (one ask for “Agencies” another ask for “Offices”, for example)

The platform is highly profiled, every user is identified at application level with a role and various other attributes and, based on customer’s configuration, this could affect in many ways data the final user can access, for example:

  • Superuser: view all across his customer
  • Marketing user: view only a part of orders and shipping documents related to a certain product category
  • Standard: view only his “site” data as orders or shipping document (for example an insurance agency or a bank local office)

Now we show real-time data because some widgets are linked to budgeting data: for example if a user insert a new order, budget is modified accordingly and recalculated, final user (and super users too) see the budget changing automatically and instantly.

We would, primarily, have a new way to create these dashboards in a more easy and fashonable way and, unlink IT work from creating and maintaining the dashboards and permits to a non-technical users like our Customer Support to create and edit dashboards OR, even better, preconfigure widgets to be used from Customer Support and the final user itself so they could modify a default dashboard and create its own with different widgets.

I would know if, in some way, and with which limitations, this could be done via Redash.

Feel free to ask if something is not clear, i think could be not so strange use case for a platform like this.

Thanks in advance


Have you tried creating a demo of this behavior in Redash and looking for pain points? The biggest limitation you will probably face is lack of fine-grained ACL controls, but this will be addressed in a future update. Your question is quite broad so it would helpful to know what exactly you are expecting to see.

I’m trying to install redash on a test machine to try out.
it’s not what I expect to see but more what I expect to do :slight_smile:
I’ve seen this alert in kb:

Beginning with Redash V8, an embedded dashboard may use parameters. But any user can modify them, which makes Redash the wrong tool for embedded analytics. Only share dashboards with trusted stakeholders

so it’s why I’ve asked that: main problem is users could modify global filters accessing other customers data if I get what the alert means.

Thanks for clarifying. Don’t use Redash for this. We’re not an embedded analytics tool.

it’s what I was afraid of.
