I’m doing some testing on the v4 Beta and run into an issue with Sharing a dashboard. When I open the “shared” url, I get a blank page that shows the dashboard title and redash footer but none of the widgets display. The javascript console is showing that an error was thrown: (screenshot attached)

error-handler.js:19 TypeError: Cannot read property ‘bodyClass’ of undefined
at e.value (index.js:77)
at index.js:66
at f.$broadcast (angular.js:18320)
at h (angular-route.js:613)
at f.$broadcast (angular.js:18320)
at angular.js:14012
at f.$eval (angular.js:17994)
at f.$digest (angular.js:17808)
at f.$apply (angular.js:18102)
at angular.js:1812
value @ error-handler.js:19

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Thank you @Craig for this bug report! We will fix it ASAP (most likely it will be available in master tomorrow)

Awesome. Thanks very much.

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The same stack trace also occurs in the visualization of the embedded chart.

@hgs It was the same bug, so it’s also fixed