I have experienced several times a crumble of the Widgets (they all stack up at the top of the dashboard) when editing a widget, either resizing or moving. It does not happen on the first edition actions but only at some point.
@arikfr I already encountered such bug when working on dashboard for v4 (and fixed it for that case) - it’s something inside gridstack.js. It’s easy to fix (need to call a method to re-compute grid), just need to reproduce it to understand where it occurs in this case.
It was a 2.0 for a few minutes (the time to update), became an 3.x for a long time and most of the queries / dashboards were made in this version.
I updated the day it became available (i was watching daily the github changelog ;))
I did a little test. I clicked on Edit but did not do a thing but wait for a refresh / query update. But nothing happened after 10 minutes. So it does not seem related to a refresh.
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