Cannot GET /url:%20%22cubejs-api/v1/load%22%0D%0Aheaders:%20%0D%0A%20%20%20%20Authorization:%2013cd12b9c916570729e766e0725d4d879652f329ec5f43d44947b34acad1823d5647427825f37d9ee2401917d4b8884674af14234ba56db787ba00adbb234c3c%0D%0Apath:%20data%0D%0Aparams:%0D%0A%20%20%20%20query:%20’%7B%22measures%22:%20[%22UsersVip.count%22]%7D’
…now its like this it means now it getting url right…its just can’t get data…am i right?
Hi @jesse , I am also facing similar issue,
I have deploy the cubejs to the Heroku and tried to run the query
But it throws error of inavalid token
Error running query: Failed to execute query. Return Code: 403 Reason: {“error”:“Invalid token”}
I am not understanding why is tha.
I am using api secret token as authorization
Also tried to use token created as jwt.sign({}, CUBE_API_SECRET, { expiresIn: ‘30d’ }); that too does not help